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Malchus Choir, Baruch Vizel & Fire – Kol Dodi

On the 19th of Kislev in freezing cold Moscow took place a massive celebration of Chabad. The chief Rabbi of Russia was there as well, R’ Berel Lazar. The Malchus

“Noch Ayn Shabbos” Malchus Choir, Baruch Vizel, Motty Vizel

At the Altneu Shul in Yerushalayim, the Malchus choir made a special evening. They performed the classic Yiddish song “Noch Ayn Shabbos“, arranged by Pinchas Bichler, a yiddish version of

Zanvil Gets Married & Malchus Reveals The Wonder Boy You Never Knew!

Last week was Zanvil Weinberger‘s wedding. In honor of the wedding, the other members of the Malchus choir produced a song which tells the story of the young singer from

Baruch Vizel & Malchus Choir – Lishmoa El Harina

Baruch Wiesel and the Malchus choir are now releasing a special performance of the famous Slicha Lishmoa el Ha’Rina V’el Ha’Tefillah. The composition is that of R’ Eliezer Kalish. The