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Gilad Potolsky Releases A New Single “Lehodot Lecha Ashem”

Gilad Potolsky is finally back in the studio and releasing a new single after a two years silence from him. The song is called Lehodot Lecha Ashem. Eli Klein composed

Moishe Roth & Shalom Vagshal Join Menachem Toker on Motzai Shabbat Live To Talk About Kumzing 2

This past motzei shabbos, Motzai Shabbat Live with Menachem Toker at Radio Kol Chai featured in the studio the band “HaMenagdim” and a in depth interview with Moishe Roth and

Pannel of Composers On “Motzai Shabbat Live” Holds Composing Contest

For the first time in the history of Charedi radio, a contest was held to choose the winning composition is taking place. The contest is being run by the Motzai

B’tfilla L’yomim Noroim from Michoel Teflinsky

This week a new album was releasedin Israel, “B’tfilla L’yomim Noroim” from producer Michoel Teflinsky. This is Michoel’s second album, and as its name suggests its a collection of tfilot

Shalheves Presents HaNeshomo Loch Volume 9 + Video clip

HaNeshomo Loch volume 9 is FINALLY here. HaNeshomo Loch is a fantastic musical series by the world renown Shalheves Orchestra based out of Isreal. The new album includes Chanuka songs,