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Ani Maamin

On The Occasion of The Outbreak of World War II: “Ani Maamin” Featuring Malchut, Dickman & Avremi Roth

The Modzitzer Ba’Al Menagen R’ Ezriel Dovid Fastag connected strongly to the song Ani Ma’Amin, during his recent trip to Treblinka. In commemoration of the day the second world war

The Hit Of The Summer: Ruli Dikman “Rabois Bonois”

Ruli Dikman is a rising star in the world of weddings and Chassidic music. “Rabois Bonois” is the second single to be released off his upcoming debut album. The song’s

Pannel of Composers On “Motzai Shabbat Live” Holds Composing Contest

For the first time in the history of Charedi radio, a contest was held to choose the winning composition is taking place. The contest is being run by the Motzai