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Meydad Tasa & Aviad Gil Joins Menachem Toker on Motzai Shabbat Live

This past Motzei Shabbos Menachem Toker hosted Meydad Tasa, as well as his producer Aviad Gil, on his radio show on “Radio Kol Chai”, to speak about the release of

Duet Meydad Tasa & Aviad Gil – Kama Od Efshar

The beloved singer Meydad Tasa and his longtime producer Aviad Gil sing a stirring duet “Kama Od Efshar” written and composed by Aviad Gil and arranged by Eldad Ratzon. “Kama

Meydad Tasa Releases His Eighth Album “Yehudi Benishmati”

The young and successful Mediterranean singer Meydad Tasa releases his eighth studio album “Yehudi Benishmati“, and he is only 19 and a half. The new album contains 11 tracks and