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[Exclusive] Maccabeats release a NEW single “The Purim Song”

The Maccabeats are back! After the HUGE success of their last parody single “Candlelight” which lit the secular media aflame and traveling around the world performing the famed boy acapella

Maccabeats – Candlelight Video takes local media by storm, CNN, CBS2, Good Morning America

[CNN] By Jessica Ravitz, CNN Face it: Good Hanukkah songs are hard to come by. For decades, school children performing in holiday concerts have droned on about that dreidel, dreidel,

Candlelight – The Maccabeats

Check out this BRAND NEW SINGLE just released by the YU Maccabeats. Its a parody song just in time for Chanukah! This song is truly amazing and fun. Below is