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Pinny Einhorn & Shimmy Sklar “Unity”

King of Kumzitzes, Pinny Einhorn and keyboardist Shimmy Sklar team up to present the song “Unity“, inspired by the story of R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin and the miracle of his


Project Refuah Come And Join Us At An Exclusive Evening SING WITH SOUL MORDECHAI BEN DAVID AND THE SHIRA CHOIR August 23, 2017 – 7:30PM At The Home Of Breindi

Boruch Sholom – Ki Alecha Ainainou (Single)

Friends, I present this song with humility and gratitude to Hashem. This song Ki Alechah Ainainou captures the warmth of a not so distant past. We go through life distracted

Mi Sheoso – Yisroel Werdyger, Meshorerim & A Berko Production

Presenting the classic hit song, “Mi Sheoso Nissim” from MBD‘s Double Album. Composed by Yossi Green and originally sung by Mordechai Ben David, on MBD’s Double album. The song was

JUST DANCE with the Berko Bros. & Zemiros

Get ready to experience PURE SIMCHA like never before. Starring vocal powerhouse Shea Berko, music arranged and produced by the talented Avrumi Berko production and the choral voices of the

Freilach Band Chuppah Series – Achas & Mi Bon (Mona) – Moti Ilowitz, Avrum Chaim Green & Shira Choir

Next up in the Freilach Band Chuppah series, where we bring you high-quality videos from some of the magnificent Chuppahs at which Freilach Band performs, is a magnificent chuppa performed