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Yanki Braun In A Moving Melody To Lyrics By Lipa Schmeltzer “Shfoich Chamoschu”

Yanki Braun, a member of the Malchus Choir who embarked on a solo career with the emotional song “Shomei Tefilah” six months ago, surprises us again. This time, in a

From Brazil With Love: Eli Ben Ari Sings An Exciting New Wedding Song “Ze Harega”

Soul singer Eli Ben Ari was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil to an Argentinian family, but judging by his new hit “Ze Harega,” he seems to have been deeply influenced

“A Yidele” Yoeli Dikman| Neranena Choir | Yanki Daskal

This particularly impressive performance for the great melody “A Yidele” originally performed by Isaac Honig, was recently performed by the talented vocalist Yaakov Yuda Daskal and the Neranena Cho...

The 10th Anniversary For The Competition for Writing Torah: Starring Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David & The Menagnim Orchestra

This is the tenth anniversary of the project of writing the Torah novellae of Torah scholars in Holon, where hundreds of the city’s residents participate in the best tradition. In

Simcha Leiner LIVE In Orlando

Orlando Torah Academy Presents SIMCHA LEINER LIVE IN ORLANDO Also featuring ARYEH KUNSTLER YOCHI BRISKMAN ORCHESTRA Wednesday Chol Hamoed Pesach April 47th – 8pm ROSEN JCC – 11184 S. Apopka-Vineland