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One Nigun Is Worth A Thousand Words: Reb Shloime Taussig “Di Nigun”

More than once we find ourselves amazed by the hashgacha protis and kindness that Hashem does for us day after day, hour by hour, moment by moment. And do not

JUST DANCE with the Berko Bros. & Zemiros

Get ready to experience PURE SIMCHA like never before. Starring vocal powerhouse Shea Berko, music arranged and produced by the talented Avrumi Berko production and the choral voices of the

Harav Shloime Taussig Releases A New Single “Ein Gedila”

After the hit Mai Dehava which was very successful, R’ Shloime Taussig is coming back with another new song in anticipation of his new album. R’ Taussig turned to chassidic

Naftali Schnitzler Presents: Mulei Simcha 2 Preview [Audio Preview]

Naftali Schnitzler just released a new album called Mulei Simcha 2. It is a Purim themed album, worked on by some of the most talented musicians and singers, including Shloime

R’ Meshulam Greenberger – Aleinu Leshabeach

R’ Meshulam Greenberger, the composer wants to know why all of the recent hits have only been sad songs of distress? Therefore, he is now releasing a single that is

Yossi Gil’s 39th Birthday Surprise: Including Specially Brochos From 39 Jewish Music Artists

Major radio personality Yossi Gil just celebrated his 39th birthday, and some of the major Chassidic musical personalities such as MBD, Avraham Fried, Lipa, and Isaac Honig wished sent him