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A Cappela

JMR France Reviews AKA Pella – Platinum

After Premium Blend, AKA Pella 2, then the third, comes AKA Pella Platinium. With this last opus, the group does not change its practices, the objective remains always the same one: To try to fill ...

Lchaim Presents: Heimisha Oitzros

L’chaim presents an all new Sefirah album with (only) Yiddish lyrics. Horav Yosef Moishe Kahane presents “Heimshe Oitsres”. This album features world famous singers like Yermia Damen, Issac Honig, ...

A.K.A. Pella Platinum Review by JM Derech

A.K.A. Pella is back and yes, they are better than ever. They definitely took their game up a notch with this new addition to their collection, “Platinum.” What they did, was take the best songs th...

Sefira Acapella List + Free Downloads!

DOWNLOAD ALL THE FREE TRACKS HERE For all you die-hard music lovers, I personally understand the frustration that must be going through your head during this time of year. S’fira is here, leaving y...

Berri Weber’s New CD Now Available!

Berri Weber’s new Double CD “Farbreng” will be released very soon. The CD will have one disc with music and one without special for Sefirah and the Three Weeks. This album has 2 CDS. Each Cd has 23...

A.K.A.Pella: Platinum – Michels Review

Warning: If you’re the type of person that doesn’t believe that non-Jewish music should be sung by Jewish artists, then this CD is definitely not for you, and you can stop reading right now. Straig...