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Eitan Katz Hits L.A., Chicago

Eitan Katz will singing Live, this Thursday night in Los Angeles and this coming Motzei Shabbos, Saturday night in Chicago.  As always, if you know anyone in these areas who would benefit from some...

Eitan Katz – Unplugged 2: Review

The first review I did for JMR was Eitan’s first Unplugged album. I absolutely loved it, and for good reason. However as much as I did love it this one might be even better. The album seems to be s...

Eitan Katz: Unplugged 2 – Coming Soon!

A message from Eitan Katz: Hi everyone, i hope you all are enjoying this time of preparation for one of the holiest moments of the year. May we all be fortunate enough to experience the true meanin...

2 Eitan Katz Concerts!

The first concert will be this Shabbos, February 4-5 in Providence, RI, Eitan will be leading the davening throughout shabbos at Shaarei T’fila and doing a kumzitz/concert after shabbos. (see flyer...

Happy Chanukah from Eitan Katz

Hi everyone. First off, let me wish you a most meaningful Chanuka…a time where we can really look deep into ourselves and find that little menorah that’s been shining all year long… For those of yo...

Review and Photos of Eitan and Shlomo Katz Concert

The concert started with a Lubavitch Niggun called Anim Zemiros that both Eitan and Shlomo sang together. Then Eitan took the stage and sang in this order: Three New Songs from Baruch Hu, Ashrei Ti...