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Amudai Shaish

Inspiring Voice Reviews Yossi Green & Shlomo Simcha “Layl Shishi”

                  The one and only Yossi Green has once again given us a wonderful gift – a new album titled “Layl Shishi”.  This is the 5th in a series of albums called “Shades of Green”. He is jo...

NYBC Tryouts This Sunday!

                  Give your son, ages 6 to 14, the gift of music with the opportunity to audition for the hugely popular New York Boys Choir.  If selected your son will join NYBC as they work on ne...

Yigdal – Avi Beer [Official Music Video]

Starting from a very young age Avi Beer has always had a passion for Jewish music and a great interest to produce his own music and songs. Avi spent almost two years in the Yeshiva Boys Choir and h...

Yoel Dovid Goldstein Releases The Hit of The Year “Hinchalto Torah”

Zman Simchaseinu is finally here! Kicking off the Succos/Simchas Torah season is a new dance hit from renowned singer Yoel Dovid Goldstein. This song will have you dancing all around the house, whi...

Sukot Medley with Micha Gamerman [Official Animation Video]

Brazilian singer Micha Gamerman is back with his fifth animated music video. He started with the Purim Medley and followed it with Pesach, Shavout and most recently the Yamim Noroim Medley off his ...