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Dovid Lowy: Ata Imadi – You Are With Me – Feat. Abie Rotenberg

Every once in a while a new artist comes along and makes you fall in love with Jewish music all over again. With the release of his debut album Ata Imadi, Dovid Lowy has earned a spot on that very ...

Coming to Stores! Ari Goldwag: The English Album

Ari Goldwag is back again with another album chock-full of hit songs! This time, the album is all-English. After the success of Am Echad and Yesh Tikvah (which Goldwag composed for Benny Friedman),...

“Ode To The Classics” – EvanAl Orchestra – A JJ Fried Production

Close your eyes and drift away. Leap from song to song on a trip down memory lane. Enjoy the brilliant orchestration that is the culmination of years of collaboration and

Here It Is: Nemuel & Dani Avidani “Ashreinu”

Nemuel is from a French Chabad family. He made Aliyah when he was a child, and learned in some of the best Yeshivos in Israel. With time and encouragement from

Chabad with Moshe Laufer 3 (Sampler & Photos)

A magnificent prelude, a group of singing Chassidim, sweeping rhythm, and sounds that beckon you to break out in dance.  Thus begins the third album in the “Chabad with Moshe Laufer – Volume 3″ ser...

It’s Finally Here! V’havienu Vol. 4 [Audio Sampler]

They’re back! Dani, Aryeh and even “Scratchy” Yenowitz are back for an all new V’havienu album, and its about time. Since the band’s debut album almost ten years ago, the