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Shmueli Ungar – Mach A Bracha! – שמילי אונגר – מאך א ברכה – The Music Video

It’s time to get blessed! Shmueli Ungar’s “Mach A Bracha” is now a major music video production. A video celebrates the story of making a bracha. Every day, from when we wake up, till we go to bed,...

Meet the 2 Hasidic Folk Stars Who Are #BringingYiddishBack -Rogers Park – Geulah [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Rogers Park delivers once again a heartfelt single with a taste of the past, accompanied by a fresh music video. Produced and directed by Sparks Next Productions (Danny Finkelman). This video for “...

Singer Shmuly Hurwitz Releases Debut Single “Mi Adir” In Honor of Tu B’av

In the times of the second Beis Hamikdash, Tu B’av was a day of celebration and one for matchmaking amongst Jewish singles who longed to build a Bayis Neeman. It is with that in mind that newcomer ...

Debut single by Shlomo Z!

Debut single by Shlomo Z [Audio clip: view full post to listen] &nbsp

Choni G releases a new track: “Jerusalem a Capella”     Choni G releases a new track: “Jerusalem a Capella” in commemoration of Tisha B’av, a date that brings a powerful storm of emotions to every Jew’s he...

Shema Yisroel Medley – Freilach Band, Shira Choir, Daskal, Benny, Leiner & Green / מחרוזת שמע ישראל

Shema Yisroel Medley – Freilach Band, Shira Choir, Shloime Daskal Benny Friedman – בני פרידמן, Simcha Leiner שמחה ליינר & Avrum Modche Green / מחרוזת שמע ישראל Earlier this season, in the New Y...