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CD Covers

Shmueli Ungar: Live In Israel! Emes – שמילי אונגר הופעה חיה בישראל – אמת‎

Last Chol Hamoad Succos, Shmueli took Jerusalem by storm, at his own very first live show in the halls of בניני האומה. With thousands attending and no empty seat, Shmueli delivered an amazing perfo...

THE NEW ALBUM from Six13 – Vol. 7: Blessings / Brachot

THE NEW ALBUM from Six13 – Vol. 7: Blessings / Brachot AVAILABLE NOW: – on iTunes:… – from MRM Music:… – in Judaica stoes...

♪ ♫ ♬ NEW MUSIC: The Debut Single of Hillel Gross – Horeini ♪ ♫ ♬

Naftali Schnitzler is proud to present the debut single from new artist, Hillel Gross. Hillel was born and raised in Boro Park, and settled after he was married in Williamsburg. The all new song, c...


A message from MBD – “A new song in honor of the wedding of my dear granddaughter Malka Gitty to Shimmy Vaise” סימן טוב ומזל טוב יהא לנו ולכל ישראל אמן! Lyrics: Reb Shlomo Alkavetz/Lecha Dodi Compo...

In the studio: The 8th Note (Composed by Yossi Green) Freilach Band ft. Levi Cohen

Let us introduce you to Levi Cohen. Originally from London, England, this new star promises to be the next big thing on the Jewish music scene. For Levy’s first music video, Producers Naftali and S...

Tico Tico – A Latin Instrumental by Freilach Band

Francisco Gustavo Sánchez Gómez, also known as Paco de Lucía, was once dubbed “One of history’s greatest guitarists.” One of his favorite songs to perform was “Tico Tico” and it is presented here w...