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Baryo Chakshur Like You’ve Never Heard Him Before

For the past ten years or so, every year around Rosh Hashana, songs have been released about Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. This year, in honor of the multitudes of people

Baryo continues to surprise with new hit song “BeSimcha”

As he’s paving his way surely to the top of the World’s Jewish Music, the singer Baryo Chakshur continues to surprise with new hit songs. Towards the ending of this

Baryo Releases Vocal Single “Lev Tahor”

After several performances around the United States, the singer Baryo Hakshur returns to Israel at the start of the “three weeks” only to release a vocal song befitting this time

Baryo surprises in cooperation with the Military Rabbinate Band for His New Single

The singer Baryo Hakshur - who is currently visiting in the U.S. travelling between New York and Los Angeles for events and closing some interesting musical projects – releases a

Baryo Composes New Single to Words Written by the Religion Minister, Yaakov Mergi

Officer Mergi said in an interview with Ariel Berman on the “Tachlis” program that he writes specifically when he is particularly emotional, both when he is angry/sad or excited/happy. When

BARYO: Purim in Radio Kol Chai “Ohr Meyuchad”

An exciting recording from the radio, fresh out of the oven! Yesterday on Radio Kol Chai, literally just a few hours ago, Baryo was a guest in “Yossele’s Parliament”, in