Z Report

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the Eighth Annunal CONCERT ON THE LAWN: Featuring Benny Friedman

The Tom and Judy Raskin, Eighth Annual Concert on the Lawn. The Heller Resource Center presents: The Voice Of: Benny Friedman Accompanied By: Shloime Dachs BBQ Cuisine By: Oasis Caterers

A SOUL FESTIVAL – Like never before!

Right Here in Brookly’s Bay Waters of Serenity Join Us In An Evening of Inspiration With All of Us Exploring New Heights & Opening Gates of Holiness & Sweetness! featuring

YideoTube to Launch New Interactive Website

by: Yoel Weisshaus YideoTube with the new website users will enjoy a greater social experience. Brooklyn, NY, July 5, 2011: With the new challenges of explicit advertisement and banners on

Project Mazon & JCC of Marine Park Annual BBQ & Concert

On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 I’yh, at 7:00 PM, The Jewish Community Council of Marine Park (JCCMP) will host the 3nd Annual Glatt Mart / JCC -Project Mazon Barbecue. The

The Dynamite Night Live

Brothers and sisters, Come join us for an explosive evening of emuna and song that will B’ezras Hashem have your heart bursting with flames of yearning and love to Hashem.

“Rubaskin’s game plan” Trailer 2011

“Rubashkin’s Game Plan” The Untold Truth of Sholom Rubashkin From the producers of the all star Unity for Justice project comes a new documentary film that will shed light on