Z Report

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A Decade of Miracles

Flatbush Residents Jam The Palace on Behalf of RCCS Cancer Patients

Flatbush Residents Jam The Palace on Behalf of RCCS Cancer Patients Avraham Fried Emergency Stand-in for MBD This past Motzoei Shabbos, The Palace ballroom was jammed end-to-end for the Third

[COLlive] Fried & Lipa for Tzivos Hashem

Superstar singers Avraham Fried and Lipa Schmeltzer star along with contestants of the Power of Jewish Children Competition from Tzivos Hashem in this video promo for the upcoming concert. Performed

8th Day Live at Laguna Niguel!

Chabad of Laguna Niguel presents A Time For Music Chai 5 Celebration featuring 8TH DAY Live In Concert! Sunday February 13th, 2011 – 4:00pm Laguna Hills Community Center 25555 Alicia

RCCS Boro Park Dinner TONIGHT – added enjoyment Itche Meir Helfgott & Moti Illowitz

RCCS Boro Park Dinner in Response to Record Number of Cancer Patients Brooklyn, NY –  On Sunday night, January 16, 2011, over two thousand supporters of the Rofeh Cholim Cancer

Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin Anniversary Gala

Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin 25 Anniversary Gala January 14th-15th, 2011 Shabbos at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin Kabbalas Shabbas with Shua Kessin and the Shira Choir Friday Night Dinner & Oneg

[Artscroll] Free Download: Prayer for Parnassah / Livelihood PLUS $30 Coupon

recited by many especially on the Tuesday of Parashas Beshalach, January 11thDear ArtScroll Booknews Subscriber, When our ancestors were in the Wilderness, a month after the Exodus from Egypt, they