Z Report

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MBD Turns 60

Last night a surprise birth day party was held for the king of Jewish music Mordechai Ben David. Those who attended included; Yeedle, Michoel Schnitzler, Lipa Schmeltzer, Shraga Gold, Shloime

The Lipa Watch 24/6

The new Stainless Steel watch from Lipa Schmeltzer has finally arrived. Available for men and women.

“Acharon Acharon Chaviv Diwon Remix” FREE DOWNLOAD from J-Zing

The new music website J-Zing just released a FREE download. This NEW version of “Acharon Acharon Chaviv Diwon Remix” features both Lipa Schmeltzer & DeScribe. You can hear the track

Six13: P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R Music Video

Mike Boxer and the talented guys of the cutting-edge Jewish a cappella group are back, and just like their first three albums, their new CD is surprising everyone yet again


Thought you knew Six13? Think again. Mike Boxer and the talented guys of the cutting-edge Jewish a cappella group are back, and just like their first three albums, their new