Z Report

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Michoel Pruzansky 3: MP3 Is Coming!

It has been three and a half years since the release of Michoel Pruzansky’s hit album Pruzbul  and at long last, his long awaited third album is due to hit

Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin Anniversary Gala

Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin 25 Anniversary Gala January 14th-15th, 2011 Shabbos at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin Kabbalas Shabbas with Shua Kessin and the Shira Choir Friday Night Dinner & Oneg

Lev Avraham Foundation Presents Join us for A Spiritual Evening of Torah inspiration & stories of Reb Shlomo Zt”l 2nd Annual Kumzits

Lev Avraham Foundation Presents Join us for A Spiritual Evening of Torah inspiration & stories of Reb Shlomo Zt”l 2nd Annual Kumzits with Rabbi Sammy Intrator (famous assistant Rabbi of

Unity For Justice: Watch the Video/Download the MP3

(DOWNLOAD SONG IN HIGH QUALITY FORMAT HERE: Just 99 Cents,  100 of the proceeds go to the Klal Yisroel Fund) http://www.mostlymusic.com/unitysingle.html Unity for Justice is a world-wide project, i...


With so much going on everywhere be it concerts, simchas beis hashoeivas or family events, we decided to pack all of the information into one post here divided by the

Chol Ha’Moed Jewish Music Festival & Family Extravaganza

Join us for a Chol Ha’Moed Jewish Music Festival & Family Extravaganza Sunday September 26th, 2010 Noon till 5pm Comras Mall of Bronx Park Bronx park East of Lydig Avenue