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Benzion Twerski

Benzion Twerski : Vechonen – featuring vocals by; Mendy Strohli, Michoel Schnitzler, Shloime Taussig, Yoeli Berkowitz, Yoeli Falkowitz, Duvid Reifer, Shauli Waldner, and Lazer Kish

You may or may not have heard of Benzion Twerski yet, but we guarantee you will soon! His debut album, Vechonen, is finally here.  The songs were all composed by

JI EXCLUSIVE! Yosef Chaim says goodbye to the US

Last night some of Yosef Chaim’s friends got together at Glatt A La Carte in Brooklyn to give the singer a send off he will remember. Yosef Chaim is making

COL Live 1st year Anniversary!!

This coming Sunday COLLIVE.COM is celebrating their 1 year anniversary with a Street fair called “New Site, New Torah, New Stars, New Year.” ColLive’s First Anniversary Hakhel Celebration. Sunday, ...

Taussig Fever Hits Israel!!!

It’s hard to believe that it has been just three short months since Shloime’s debut album hit the stores here in the United States. In that short amount of time,