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8th Day

Benny Friedman Kol Haneshama Sheli [Audio Sampler]

Jewish music recording star Benny Friedman has announced the release of a brand new album. Titled “Kol Haneshama Sheli”, this album is Friedman’s fifth and his first original album since

Benny Friedman Releases New Album “Kol Haneshama Sheli”

Jewish music recording star Benny Friedman has announced the release of a brand new album. Titled “Kol Haneshama Sheli”, this album is Friedman’s fifth and his first original album since

Freilach feat. Simcha Leiner – Mi Adir

Simcha Leiner delivered a heartwarming performance and moved everyone that was present at this magnificent Chupa/Ceremony. Here you get a little glimpse into that performance with this tune Al Tira