75 years after the Nazi invasion of Poland, a group of Holocaust survivors, their children and others will gather in Las Vegas for a triumphant concert celebrating survivors of World War II and keeping the legacy of the greatest horror known to mankind alive for future generations.
The Last Survivor Concert will take place in Las Vegas on Saturday night December 13th at The Grand Venetian Hotel. The concert will be the highlight of an annual gathering coordinated each year by Commander Eugene Lebovitz, a Holocaust survivor from Czechoslovakia who later served as an undercover agent for the Haganah and in the Israeli army before moving on to a successful career as an entrepreneur.
The gala concert starring Israeli superstar Dudu Fisher, a second generation Holocaust survivor, will feature a full 20 piece symphony orchestra conducted by famed musician Tomer Hadadi. A multi-media event, including a light show and choreography by Zvika Bornstein, the concert will include an appearance by The Holocaust Survivor Klezmer and Multicultural Band, whose four members all lived through the atrocities of World War II. A partial screening of the still in progress film “The Last Survivor”, which includes interviews with of Holocaust survivors and will incorporate footage of the Las Vegas weekend, will be shown at the concert.
“As the number of Holocaust survivors continues to dwindle, events of this nature will one day be nothing more than a memory,” said Danny Finkelman, director of The Last Survivor film, and producer of the show “There may not be many more chances for opportunities like these.”
Cecelia Margules, executive producer of the concert and the daughter of Holocaust survivors, stressed the importance of passing along the legacy of the Holocaust to future generations, whose numbers are, sadly, dwindling over time. “Who will teach about the Holocaust when there is no living proof?” asked Mrs. Margules. “The survivors are living monuments to the Holocaust. When the last monument is gone, who will do the job?”
The concert, part of the greater Last Survivor Weekend, is aimed both at survivors and their families as well as others who wants to learn more about the Holocaust, and will feature exclusively glatt kosher food and both daily and Shabbat prayer services.
For more information on The Last Survivor Event visit www.thelastsurvivorevent.com or email thelastsurvivorevent@gmail.com.
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