23 year old Amichai Spigler is married and lives in Raanana. Already at a young age he was connected to Chassidic music with every ounce of his soul. His grandfather, the Chazzan Meir Shicker, was a well-known Baal Tefilah in Fair Lawn, NJ, as well as Ramat Gan after he made Aliya. The two of them had a strong connection and Amichai believes he has inherited his grandfather’s musical ability and love for the world of music.
His grandfather Meir used to always say that singing is a vessel that was bestowed upon him from Shamayim in order to make the people around him happy. Amichai continues this path and frequently goes up to daven for the amud in Shul. Praises from his family and friends pushed him to begin a musical career.
“Shuvi Nafshi” is the first single that Amichai has released. The song was produced by Daniel BenSamian, who helped compose the song as well.
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