
Russians Jews Celebrate “Victory Day”

On May 9th 1945, Germany surrendered, and on that day the last of the Nazis abandoned the concentration camps and thousands of Jews were freed. Last Shabbos, Parshas Behar, May 9th, 2014, 69 years after this historical victory, the Jewish community of Moscow commemorated “Victory Day”, as well as the celebrations of the 66th year of the State of Israel, with a special Shabbat Chazzanut.

The historical congregation “Archipova” in Moscow, under the leadership of R’ Pinchas Goldschmidt – the Av Beis Din of Moscow and the president of the Vaad of European Rabbis, invited Tzudik Greenwald, internationally renowned Chazzan, and Chazzan of the big Shul in Frankfurt, to Daven Kabbalas Shabbos, Maariv, Shacharis, and Mussaf. The choir of the Archipova shul is one of the most famous choirs in the world, that perform with many famous Chazzanim worldwide. The acoustics of the shul are absolutely incredible, according to all of the Chazzanim that pass through there. Tzudik commented upon his return that the experience was incredible and meaningful.

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