
B’LEV ECHAD – Aryeh Kunstler FREE song download

A message from Aryeh Kunstler

Dear friend,

I hope this email finds you well. As we approach the joyous month of Adar, we must keep in mind the tragic events that occurred just one year ago when eight young men were taken from us in the terrorist attack in Yeshivat Mercaz Harav. The organization B’Lev Echad is putting together a worldwide campaign of Torah learning, as well the the dedication of eight Sifrei Torah in memory of each of the kedoshim. I am extremely privileged to have been able to contribute to the organization in my own way by composing a song that will hopefully move you as well as the rest of Klal Yisroel as it did for me while writing and recording it. Click HERE to download the song as a free download as well please visit . Hopefully through such a momentous occasion of unity, we should be zocheh to see the Geulah Bekarov.

Thank you.

Aryeh Kunstler

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