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[Exclusive] New Single “GREIT ZICH” Starring Avraham Fried

A timeless classic presented by Avraham Fried. This lively melody known as the “hakofa niggun” is sung with immense vigor and enthusiasm during the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Hakofo. The lyrics, conveying

Levy Falkowitz Releases Debut Album “Achke Loi”

One of the BIGGEST voices in Jewish music belongs to a chosid, by the name of Levy Falkowitz. He has been featured on dozens of albums in the last ten

Five Cantors and How They Got Into the Soul Business [WSJ]

[Source:] The men have a deep respect for each other’s talents and for their Jewish musical heritage By Ralph Gardner Jr. June 3, 2015 8:47 p.m. ET You’ve no

Yiddish Soul: A Concert of Cantorial and Chassidic Music

All Events, Music, Free, Outdoor, June 16 Tuesday | June 16, 2015 7:00 pm SummerStage at Central Park, Rumsey Playfield, New York, NY United States FREE Yiddish Soul: A Musical

Petach Libcha: In Memory of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel & Gil-Ad Sha’ar [Official Video]

On Erev Yom Hazikaron, the video clip for the song Petach Libcha was released, which was written in memory of the three kidnapped and murdered boys, and heard for the

“Mei’Rachok” Meshulam Greenberg Releases A New Single For Pesach

R’ Meshulam Greenberg is a Dushensker Chossid, and a musician and composer. For 14 years already he has enriched the world of Chassidic music with his compositions. He has already