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Freilach Mit Fried! August 20th, Motzei Shabbos Nachamu at the Raleigh Hotel

JME LIVE and FREILACH are proud to present Freilach Mit Fried! Avraham Fried – Freilach – Shira Choir August 20th, Motzei Shabbos Nachamu @ The Raleigh Hotel Imperial Ballroom –

Avraham Fried Carpool Kumzitz (KaraOYke)

Join Radio host, MC and music maven Yossi Zweig as he drives around with superstar Avraham Fried who is hot off the release of his latest album “Bring The House

Yishai Sheller – Hineni B’Yadcha

Yishai Sheller, singer and composer is now releasing an A Capella version of the hit Avraham Fried song Hineni B’Yadcha, arranged by Liron Alkobi.

Yodati – A Capella | Simcha Leiner

Please enjoy my Acapella cover of the hit song Riboin Haolamim Yodati, originally recorded by Avraham Fried. ALL VOCALS ARE SIMCHA LEINER. Song Composed By – Pinchos Breuyer Recorded at

The Meshorerim Choir Releases “Vocal Classics 6″

The famed Meshorerim Choir is back with an all new album Vocal Classics 6, just in time for sefira! Presented by Chaim Blumenfeld and arranged by Aba Berkowitz, the album

The A Team Symphony Presents: Shtar Hatnoim Feat. Shloime Daskal & The Shira Choir

The A-Team is proud to present a live production of this classic in Jewish music “Shtar Hatnoim” sung originally by Avraham Fried on the album Shtar Hatnoim, composed by Yossi