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8th Day

WSIS Presents: 8th Day with special performances by Chaim Berson – Eli Schwebel – Zevi Muller

West Side Institutional Synagogue Presents A Live at WSIS Production 8TH DAY Get Ready To Ya’alili with special performances by Chaim Berson – Eli Schwebel – Zevi Muller Saturday Night,

[YeshivaWorld] LISTEN & BE INSPIRED! BRAND NEW ABIE ROTENBERG SONG: Lezchus Refua Shelaima For Chaim Avraham Zalman Ben Kreindel Nechama Bracha

[Source] Avi Silver is a young man (early 20’s) who is desperately ill with Cancer. He was diagnosed one year ago and his condition has slowly deteriorated. This morning

Oorah’s Shmorg 5 Tunes Trailer 2013

Another great Oorah CD starring MBD, Lipa, 8th Day, Eli Schwebel, Rivie Schwebel, Berry Webber, Pruz (Michael Pruzansky), Simcha Leiner, Yonatan Shlagbaum, Shloime Dachs, The WORLD renown Zemiros C...

Memories Clip – In honor of Kirstallnacht, November 9, 1938

November 9, 2012 Seventy four years ago today, a series of pogroms began across Germany. At least 91 Jews were murdered and 267 Shuls were burned or destroyed. Many Yeshivos,

Eli Schwebel Releases “Sha’shuai”, Featuring Eli Schwebel With Yumi Lowy, Yehuda Green, & Rivie Schwebel

Eli Schwebel, who is about to embark on his solo career coming off the role of producer and lead singer of Lev Tahor, has taken a break from his daily

Nachum Segal Hosts Avram Zamist Live at JM in the AM to Premiere ”The Music We Love”

OHEL is known for presenting classic concerts, nights that will be remembered for decades to come and the OHEL Concert for 5772, entitled “The Music We Love,” may just be