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MBD Disco Medley – Yidi Gross feat. Yisroel Werdyger & Lev Choir

A live and upbeat throwback to a few select Mordechai Ben David oldies, featuring his nephew Yisroel Werdyger, performed at a recent gig by Yidi Gross Productions featuring the famous

RAISE THE ROOF 2 – An Evening of Dinner & Music with Yaakov Shwekey

The Center Presents RAISE THE ROOF 2 An Evening of Dinner & Music with Yaakov Shwekey 2.12.18 GOTHAM HALL, NYC For concert Tickets:


SAVE THE DATE! LIPA – 8TH DAY – URI DAVIDI 3-11-18 @8:00pm Shloime Dachs Orchestra

Meir Dov Klein & Malchus Choir – Bi Di Bom Bom

Meir Dov Klein from Montreal, has already had his name connected to a number of impressive productions. He is now releasing his first of his own compositions, a kumzitz style

Introducing: “Nussach Green” Avremi Roth & Friends

Introducing: “Nussach Green” Avremi Roth and friends A first glimpse at the new and intriguing project from Yochai Kfir and Yossi Green A few years ago, one of the fortunate

Aryeh Karlinski With His Debut Single “Meromam”

Aryeh Karlinski won the first place in the Lachan Menatzeach competition, run by Yoeli Dickman, and after working very hard he is releasing his first single called Meromam. Aryeh has