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Dudi Knopfler – Mi Yodea [Music Video]

Just a glimpse of the biggest Kumzitz in decades with the renowned inspirational singer Dudi Knopfler! This beautiful performance of the new hit song Mi Yodea composed and originally sung

NEW ALBUM! Highlight of Amram Adar Past Sukot 2017 Israel Tour

Among the Jewish communities of Latin America, the name Amram Adar is highly recognized, perhaps more than any other Hasidic artist’s name. The top percentile of weddings in the continent,

Malchus Choir, Yanky Daskal – Veyehi Noam [Video]

Yanky Daskal and the Malchus choir sang the powerful song Vihi Noam from Motty Steinmetz‘s new album. Joined with them was the wonderchild Dovid Pollack, together with Yanky Rubin‘s musical

Torah Academy’s 4th Annual Concert Featuring Yaakov Shwekey!

Torah Academy Of Boca Raton Presents The 4th Annual Chanukah Concert starring Yaakov Shwekey Featuring The Torah Academy Boys Choir Musical Director Rafi Greidi Production Sharon Daniel Pro Wednesd...

Chaim Shlomo Mayesz Releases A New Hit Single “Bore Nefashot”

For this song, you will make a Bracha Acharona. After many hits, including Bas Kol, Ha’Ish Mekadeish, Lashon Hara, and others, Chaim Shlomo Mayesz is releasing an upbeat song that

Mori Tradio & Elia Vahav – Ein Kamocha

Singer Elia Vahav and rising star Mori Tradio joined together to sing a new powerful song, called Ein Kamocha. Arik Tanti composed the lyrics written by Gal Sharig, which were