
A Roundup of Pesach Concert Videos!

This Pesach season has offered a serious change in the status quo. Lots of new names, and new headliners have helped create  a really exciting and well received concert season.

Let’s start with Benny Friedman (who performed in 8 sold out concerts this season!) along with Avraham Fried singing Moriah and Yesh Tikvah.

(alternate views here and here)

Here is Yoely Greenfeld tearing up the Brooklyn College stage Motzei Shabbos:

Here are two videos from Nachas’s performances over Chol hamoed. The first is Nachas opening up for Yehuda Green with the Nochi Krohn band. 
 And the second is Nachas performing along side Shloime Tausig

Down south you have Shragy Gestetner singing at the Miami show.

Simcha Leiner singing at Brooklyn College

Simcha Leiner joins Benny Friedman for a Pre-Pesach show in North Miami.

and last but not least, rising star Mendy J singing his debut single Sim Shalom in Miami.

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