After Premium Blend, AKA Pella 2, then the third, comes AKA Pella Platinium. With this last opus, the group does not change its practices, the objective remains always the same one: To try to fill the absence of instruments by vocal noises, the challenge wasn’t so easy, but they did a great job !
Henteleh’ – It is Berry Weber which interprets it with many nuances, which is appreciable. However, on such a title we could have expected a rhythm much more supported, maybe a limit of the style acapella, perhaps, compared to the instruments? Doubtless, but Berry is enormously also not implied, it intervenes punctually and prefers to exploit the nuances that on the rhythm.
Lemaanh’ has & Vehou Keili – Two title in one, the transition is done rather well: the first title is originally a composition of Eythan Katz in its Lemaanh’ album has and the second: Vehou Keili, a composition of Baruh’ Levine in its Vezaikeini album. Two title relatively very calm. There is unfortunately a feeling of vacuum a little too important. Once again the difference with the original titles is obvious!
My Tamar – a intro which makes a little rap from the “9-3” (the Parisian will understand…). It is Mo KISS which interprets this title of the last album of Yeedle. Returned is rather positive, the initiation of the electric guitar makes enough laugh (2’12).
Yuffing Else Matters – a title at the base of Shalsheles (Shalsheles IV), very adapted to the style acapella. There is nothing to say, interpretation is very successful!
Nili Mili – It should be raised that the name of the title makes laugh, at the base it was Im Ein Ani Li in the album Nissim of Shloime Gertner, here title is called Nili Mili?! The intro wanted to be most faithful to that of the Nissim album, which is successful! The title gives a good impression, the rhythm is there, it with nothing to say there. The end is very appreciable…
Anavim – a splendid composition which loses a lot in the acapella style. The best moment in this title is the intervention of the compositor of the title… Yossi Green! Green enables us to plunge ourselves in an environment which brings us closer to that of Anavim in its album 8th Note. It is damage that it intervened only one short moment.
The TGIF Medley – a medley of 3 titles: Leh’ has Dodi de Eythan Katz; Eishes H’ ayil of Shwekey and Vezakeini of Boruh’ Levine. The first title plunges us in a “African” stlye which is not easy to make with an only instrument : the voice! The transition is somewhat hard between Leh’ has Dodi and Eishes H’ ayil but passes well, then comes in third position Vezakeini.
Beinyan HaSimh’ has – Perhaps the best title of the album! A true success! Dovid Gabay interprets the composition of Aaharon Razel in the album Koulam Ahouvim of Mordechai Ben David (M.B.D). Dovid is full with energy, he sings it with the smile, its joy is communicative!
Meheira – the very famous title of Yaakov Shwekey interpreted in a acapella style, that give what? A good performance which will not equalize, however, never the original version.
Greatest Medley Ever – Once again the title of the track makes laughing! The intro is very sympathetic !!! The medley is composed of Poseach es Yadeicha of Yitzy Waldner, Usid of Mordechai Ben David (M.B.D), Ma Ma Ma of Yaakov Shwekey, Ma Ma Ma is very well interpreted.
Vehi Sheamda – a music which follows us even during the Sfira, with the risk to weary us. !! The interpretation is good, but a little boring.
Yavo – the intro dissociates that of the original of Miami Boy’ S Choir (M.B.C), then at the end of a few seconds, we returns to the original title. It is a successful title, one of best of the album.
Sushine in The Rain – Composed by Yitzy Waldner, this English title is sympathetic, group AKA Pella made a good work.
Yufyafisa – Still a title of Shalsheles, it should be said that their titles are very adapted l to the style acapella.
To conclude, the critic is easy when it is about album acapella, especially when we knows the original titles. But it is necessary to applaud the titanic task of group AKA Pella. We could, however, notice a difference of quality between the titles, in some of them, the imitations are realized much better than in others (as Beinyan HaSimcha or Nili Mili compared with My Tamar), in addition the choice of certain title was risky like Vehi Sheamda, or Meheira. However AKA Pella Platinium, is with no doubt at the top of his category (acapella) !
The album is available at MostlyMusic.
Read the other two JMR reviews of AKA Pella here.
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