
Carlebach Rarity (audio): Warsaw Mah Nishtana

This could very possibly be the most touching thing I’ve ever listened to – and it’s not like there was a lack of touching, inpiring moments with Reb Shlomo. Special for pesach, we are proud to bring you Reb Shlomo’s “Warsaw Ghetto Mah Nishtana”. As many times as I’ve listened to this I can’t help but feel anew like I’ve just been hit by a truck… I know that’s usually bad, but this is a good truck. The kind that when it hits you, it makes you cry out “Leshana Haba’ah BiYerushalayim” from the deepest depths of your heart and soul because you really can’t take this Golus any longer.

A very special thanks to Zevi Carlebach for providing this clip. Zevi, I bless you and me and the whole world with a kosher un freilichen Pesach. May we be zoiche to a Seder where Leshana Haba’ah BiYerushalayim need not be said.

Mendel “the Sheichet” Markel

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