8th Day

New Single from 8th Day – Hakhel


In the ancient times of the Beit Hamikdash (the Holy Temple in Jerusalem,) was considered a year of “Hakhel” (“gathering/unity”) and the entire Jewish nation would gather together to hear the Torah read by the king of Israel on the Temple Mount. It was a time to reconnect and recommit to G-d and the Torah and was therefore a commandment for all, “men, women and children.” Young and old alike.
The Chabad Rebbe encouraged all to participate in the special year of “Hakhel” although we don’t have the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Any type of event or opportunity to gather together in Jewish unity, large or small.
And through this year of “Hakhel” may we merit to have the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days!!

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