It’s a mishloach manos of the musical variety as Yitzy Bald’s New York Boys Choir releases Hipil Pur, their latest music video and a free download in honor of Purim. So grab some popcorn, maybe raid the dress up box and join NYBC as they celebrate the eternity of the Jewish nationthe halls of the United Nations, (well, not really, but hey it’s Purim so we can all pretend, can’t we?)
Hipil Pur was filmed by Shuie Septimus of Septimus Visual Productions, was produced and arranged by Doni Gross and features soloists Moshe Fruchthandler, Ezriel Hirsch, Shragi Rimmer, Nachi Kaufman, Aryeh Fingerer, Benji Seroya, Shloimy Perelson, Meir Yehuda Kaplan, Eliezer Rosenfeld, Naftali Hoffner and Rafael Soroka.
Click here to download audio.
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