
[Exclusive] B’Chol Ha’Olamos: Nigunei Reb Moshe Goldman, z”l – Camp Shalva #20
B’Chol Ha’Olamos – Songs that Transcend Worlds
Tribute to Famed Composer Reb Moshe Goldman, z”l
מוה”ר משה צבי ב”ר בנימין ז”ל
Rabbi Moshe Goldman z”l was a man of many worlds – the world of Torah, the world of chassidus, the world of business … and the world of music. It was, in fact, the world of music that touched upon the essence of his lofty neshamah, as he harnessed his koach haneginah to express his passion for Hakadosh Baruch Hu, His Torah, and His children.
In his final year in this olam, weakened by illness, and often wracked with pain, he composed niggunim filled with passion, yearning, and simcha. This album, B’Chol HaOlamos, includes many of those songs. We present it to you, in honor of our father’s first yartzeit.
We chose to name the album “B’Chol HaOlamos”, because our father’s music transcends worlds. Although he is in the Olam Ha’emes, the impact of his niggunim on us in this world is profound. Their influence spans oceans, continents, even generations; as the songs touch upon Jewish hearts everywhere. Many are “velts niggunim” – classic favorites that take their place of honor in our tefillos, at our simchos, at our Shabbos tables, and beyond.
Reb Moshe began composing music when he was just a child. He continued on as a young bachur, and through his final days; composing some 380 niggunim. At the time of his passing, he was in the midst of preparing this album for production. He left behind not only 380 complete niggunim, but also many tenuos – bars of music not yet composed into songs. The tenuos are nothing less than the expression of his heart – wordless tributes to the world inside his neshamah.
To date, 300 of Reb Moshe’s niggunim have been published. This album brings the number to 310 – a significant amount.
310 is the gematriyah of שי – and this album is שי עולמות – a gift of worlds. It is truly Reb Moshe’s gift to us, from another World. May it serve as an aliyah to the lofty neshamah of מוה”ר משה צבי ב”ר בנימין ז”ל, as it brings joy to Jewish homes and hearts.
The album will be available from Lchaim Music in the next few days. Check back here for a audio sampler.

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