
Jewish Music Report Presents a New Single from Zevi Kaufman

This new song, with a timeless message was written by singer/songwriter Zevi Kaufman after a close friend of his, Moshe Berkowitz, was r”l killed by a drunk driver.  With its poignant words and hopeful message this song is both a tribute to the value of friendship and a reminder that G-d has a master plan and that each moment of our lives is an opportunity to be seized and used to its fullest potential.  While so many tragedies befall us, knowing that Hashem is guiding us gives us the strength to continue and use the shattered pieces of our broken hearts to build an even closer connection to Hashem.

Moshe brought joy to so many people. His life was filled with chesed and he was constantly looking for new ways to help others. Whether it was helping boys on the street, young people at NCSY, his students at Yeshiva Ohr Yitzchok, or his many friends who relied on him for advice and support, Moshe was always there.  He was an inspiration and a true model of a Yeshiva Ohr Yitzchok success story, embodying everything they strive to produce in their beloved talmidim.

A Sefer Torah is being written in Moshe’s memory and will be placed in the Aron HaKodesh in the Yeshiva which was like Moshe’s home and family, a place Moshe thought he would never leave. Join in this endeavor to internalize his pure neshoma and create an everlasting zechus to his memory by making a contribution to the sefer Torah.

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