A Cappela

Choni G releases a new track: “Jerusalem a Capella”

Choni G releases a new track: “Jerusalem a Capella” in commemoration of

Tisha B’av, a date that brings a powerful storm of emotions to every Jew’s heart. Sadness and devastation, anticipation and hope, a time to remember Jerusalem.

Based on Matisyahu’s famous lyrics and song, Choni has added the original words of the psalm, Im Eshkacheich Yerushalayim, if I forget thee Jerusalem.
Choni G is a unique performer in the Jewish music world, and his rich vocals and creative melodic interpretations are on full display in this powerful video.
In concert, he performs this song live with a loop pedal and so the video is shot in this theme.
The imagery together with the harmonies conjures up emotions that trigger a nostalgia of the ancient city.
After the second chorus for a full minute his chanting, almost free-style improvisation makes for a very powerful and soulful calling.
You can catch him on

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