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VIDEO – Piamenta, Shyne and Naftali Kalfa

Here’s a preview for what seems like it’ll be a fascinating video, with Belzer rapper Shyne, Yossi Piamenta, and the vocalist of Yossi’s album Yihyu Leratzon, Naftali Kalfa. A very intriguing pictu...

Scoop: Isaac Bitton (Raya Mehemna) to Release New Album!

JMR has just found out that Moroccan rocker, drummer and vocalist Isaac Bitton, is about to release his third album! Bitton attained renown in the ’70’s with his French rock band, called Les Variat...

The Perfect Album?

What makes an album great? Obviously, there are many aspects, but I did a quick experiment. I pulled up iTunes and sorted my 350+ albums by highest rated. As I had thought, I don’t have that many a...

Hislahavus’ Review of the HASC Collection – 1-7

It is worthwhile to flashback sometimes. When you haven’t listened to something for many years, you may be missing something that you hadn’t noticed. So it’s flashback time: I do not think it would...

Review of HASC: The Remastered Collectors Edition Part 1 (Volumes 1-3)

Aderet’s recent release of the digitally remastered HASC’s A Time For Music Concerts Collection: 1-7 has brought back some very fond memories of my youth.   Let me explain. Nowadays, Jewish Music i...

Best Of: The Piamentas

Few bands have had as much influence on the Jewish music world as the Piamentas. Until the Piamentas came on the scene in 1980, Jewish music had never held musicians of exceptional virtuosity. With...