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Al Naharot Bavel

Meydad Tasa Releases SIX VIDEOS

The young and successful singer Meydad Tasa just releases six clips/music videos one for each of the following hit songs; Oy Na Lanu, Torah Hakdosha, Melech Malchei Hamelachim, Kol Ma

Meydad Tasa sings from his “Neshama”

Everyone’s favorite singer Meydad Tasa is back with an all NEW single entitled “Neshama“. The song lyrics were taken from the writings of Kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Ades According to Kabbalah.

Meydad Tasa With Yet Another Acapella Single “BaChatuna”

This acapella season it seems that popular Israeli singer Meydad Tasa doesn’t rest for one minute. He just released his third acapella single this season. This one is entitled “BaChatuna”

Meydad Tasa With a New Acapella Single “Oy Na Lanu”

Its been only one week since Maydad Tasa released his first acapella single for this sefira season and he is already back with a second. This song is also off

Meydad Tasa Releases His Seventh Single “Melech Malchei Hamelachim”

Young and successful singer Meydad Tasa just released his seventh single “King of Kings” in honor of the approaching Yom Tov. This song is off his seventh full length album

Meydad Tasa is dancing at a Chasunah in his seventh album

The youngest Mediterranean religious singer in the world Meydad Tasa is releasing his seventh album “Ata Hamelech” at the age of 18. He just released his sixth and final CD