Yossi Green - The 8th Note

Sale price 38.00 NIS

Digital Album
1 - Layehudim (4:44)
2 - Anovim Anovim (5:03)
3 - Sefor (4:49)
4 - Beshivtecho (5:15)
5 - Veoz Yihyu (5:04)
6 - Layehudim (3:47)
7 - Lama (4:46)
8 - Kanei (6:01)
9 - Yossel (3:13)
10 - Hesech Hadaas (4:12)
11 - Naseh Venishma (4:27)
12 - The 8th Note (4:31)
13 - Mi Mi Adir (4:15)
14 - Hatav Hashmini (4:31)
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