Morah Music - Yomim Tovim 2

Sale price 57.00 NIS

Hard Copy
1 - The Shmata Dance (02:36)
2 - You clean- I Clean (03:08)
3 - Shake Shake - Shokle Shokle (01:17)
4 - Bedikas Chometz Hunt (01:31)
5 - Seder Plate (02:45)
6 - Pesach Matza Marror (02:48)
7 - Eliyahu Hanavi (02:23)
8 - Pesach Shainee (01:54)
9 - Today is Lag Baomer (02:05)
10 - Lets take a trip to meron (02:49)
11 - Shavuos is Coming (02:19)
12 - Aseres Hadibros (02:07)
13 - Were Building the Bais Hamikdosh (01:55)
14 - Were Going out of Golus (01:47)
Physical CD