Limelight Musical - מבוים (וידאו)

המוצר מדורג 4.2 מתוך 5.0 כוכבים.
הוא קיבל 5 ביקורות.
המוצר מדורג 4.2 מתוך 5.0 כוכבים.
הוא קיבל 5 ביקורות.
- Reviews
- Questions
- acting
- watch
- video
- touch
- storyline
- stage
- girls
- quality humor
- year-olds
for little kids
AMAZING!!!! My 10 year old wasnt happy with it scince she found it quit babyish
I really enjoyed this video! great acting and singing! I would have liked it to be a bit longer,but overall it was a great watch!
Pretty Good
It was not bad. The storyline was pretty good and entertaining. I was expecting it to be longer, but it does have behind the scenes witch I like. But HELLO YITTY LUDMER wasn't in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
המוצר מדורג 4.2 מתוך 5.0 כוכבים.
הוא קיבל 5 ביקורות.