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KOL ISH Releases All Original Song “Mi Bon Siach”

The group Kol Ish has one acapella album under their belt and a few parody music videos. Now Kol Ish is breaking out with their FIRST ever original tune. The

Yigdal by Kol Ish (Jewish Bluegrass) – VIDEO

Kol Ish is pleased to announce the release of a new original tune for Yigdal, as we marvel at the glorious world around us and spend some time on a

Star Spangled Banner – Kol Ish

God Bless America!!!! This video was created by Ari Berkowicz. Music was recorded and produced by Michael Gevaryahu Kol...

A.K.A. Pella 4 – PLATINUM Sampler

Believe the hype! You’ve been hearing all about about it, now experience it for yourself……..The Boys of A.K.A. Pella are back with their latest masterpiece “A.K.A. Pella – Platinum.” For

A.K.A. Pella – Platnium

CD Eichler and the boys of A.K.A. Pella are back with their latest masterpiece “A.K.A. Pella – Platnium”. They took the BIGGEST hits in the last year or two and