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Am Yisrael Chai

Am Yisrael Chai | Audio Sampler | Eitan Freilich

Born into a family of singers and chazanim, it’s not surprising that Eitan Freilich is now releasing his international debut album, featuring original compositions from the world’s top Jewish compo...

Arriving in Stores Today! Dance 365 With Akiva Gelb & Freilach Band [Audio Preview]

This isn’t your parents dance album. Put aside EVERYTHING you know about dance albums, collections and such and prepare for a revolution. Gershy Moskowitz presents Dance365 with not only one

Yoely Greenfeld Releases New Single From Upcoming Album “Zeh”

After two hit albums and the incredible success of the BEATS release last year, Yoely Greenfeld returns! The new album, titled “Zeh” will be released November 23th. Produced by the

Reb Shloime Taussig – Mikaan V’Eileich [Audio Sampler]

Its almost here! No, I am not talking about Rosh Hashanah (as exciting as that day is) but rather the longly awaited thrird album from R’ Shloime Taussig. The new

Yochi Briskman Presents: Project Relax featuring Baruch Levine & Simcha Leiner [Audio Sampler]

Though its been a few years since the release of the last Project Relax, Yochi Briskman of Project Productions hasn’t forgotten the fans of the famed collection. In that time


Its finally here! Shloime Daskal and his magical soulful voice are back with HAARTZIG Vol. 2 presented by the talented Yossi Rubin. This amazing new album features arrangements by a