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Yossi Green and Shragee Gestetner The Making of a New Song

From TeeM Productions, and after 3 years in the making, Shragee Gestetner’s debut album is finally here. The debut album boasts 11 tracks with some of the best composers in

SHRAgee Gestetner cover revealed & Audio teaser

From TeeM Productions, the people who brought you Shloime Gertner, Shloime Taussig, Yisroel Werdyer and Mendy Werdyger come the debut album over 3 years in the making, Shargi Gestetner’s debut

Tzudik releases his second single “Modim”

Singer/Chazzan Tzudik who earlier released his first single “Blessed in Heavens Eyes” from his upcoming debut album a Yossi Green production. The first single showed how Tzudik could sing a


The year 5769 ended with a tremendous Simcha — the grand bar mitzvah celebration of Zyshe, son of well known prominent philanthropist and public activist Mr. Ari Noe wears two hats