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Ami Maimon

Yossi Gil’s 39th Birthday Surprise: Including Specially Brochos From 39 Jewish Music Artists

Major radio personality Yossi Gil just celebrated his 39th birthday, and some of the major Chassidic musical personalities such as MBD, Avraham Fried, Lipa, and Isaac Honig wished sent him

R’ Yermiah Damen & Moshe “Mona” Rosenblum With A New Album “Ledor Vedor”

In honor of the Simchas Beis Belz which took place last week, R’ Yermiah Damen released a brand new album of songs which have become staples and massive hits in

Inside Scoop On A New Project “Ledor Vedor” From R’ Yermiah Damin

Here is the first taste from the new production called “Ledor Vedor“, some Niggunim of the Chassidim of Belz performed by R’ Yermiah Damin, arranged by Mona Rosenblum and Ruvi

Ruvi Banet, Dovid Taub His Band “Hamelech” [Music Video]

In honor of the upcoming holiday of Purim, Ruvi Banet and his orchestra, together with singer Dovid Taub have released a new single. This is a cover of the hit

Ruvi Banet & Orchestra With Singer David Taub [Video]

Ruvi Banet, arranger and musician, is one of the dominant personalities in international Chassidic music. His name is on virtually all major Chassidic productions in Israel and in Chutz La’Aretz.

Mendy Jerufi Set To Release New Album “Hayom”

Chasidic singer Mendy Jerufi returns with an all new album. This is Mendy’s fifth solo album on which he has been working on for more then six years. The album