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Nemuel & Dani Avidani Launch Their New Album “Hitgalut” With Menachem Toker [Full Gallery]

On this past Motzei Shabbos singer Nemuel and producer Dani Avidani came to the radio studio of Kol Chai in Bnei Brak, for an interview with Menachem Toker on his

Moishe Roth & Shalom Vagshal Join Menachem Toker on Motzai Shabbat Live To Talk About Kumzing 2

This past motzei shabbos, Motzai Shabbat Live with Menachem Toker at Radio Kol Chai featured in the studio the band “HaMenagdim” and a in depth interview with Moishe Roth and

Benny Friedman Joins Menachem Toker on Motzai Shabbat Live

This past motzei shabbos, Motzai Shabbat Live with Menachem Toker at Radio Kol Chai featured guest singer Benny Friedman who came directly from the United States for an interview and