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Kumzing 2: Yeedle

One of the great things about the second installment in the Kumzing series is all the bonus footage and behind the scenes look. In the video below singer Yeedle (Werdyger)

Meydad Tasa – Avi U’malki [Official Music Video]

The young singer Meydad Tasa just released a music video for his new hit “Avi U’malki” which was released a month ago. Written and composed by Sharon Avilachak, featuring musical

Avromi Weinberg Prepares For Chanukah With The Song “Maoz Tzur”

Avromi Weinberg is a rising star in the Jewish music. He’s only 23 (married +1), but his musical talent seems rooted in his early age. His fascinating personal story can

Chanuka Concert featuring Yisroel Juskowitz and Hillel Kapnick

Congregation Ohel Abraham in Staten Island will be presenting a Chanuka Concert on Sunday December 9th featuring Comedian Jordon Ferber and Singer/Musicians Yisroel Juskowitz and Hillel Kapnick.The...

Rebuilding SeaGate Event in Montreal

Chanukah in the Dark?… Help Give Them Light. From Far Away. Montreal Is Ready To Help Our Brothers In Devastated Town Of Seagate. REBUILDING SEAGATE event Thursday December 6th, 2012

TZUDIK’s Makes Bar Mitzvah + New Song In Honor of the Simcha “Av Harachamim”

Last week Chazzan/Singer Tzudik Greenwald‘s turned Bar Mitzvah. There was a lavish event in Modein, Israel for the simcha and all guests were treated to a gift. A brand NEW