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Yossi Green Al Hanissim Purim

Finally, there should be no more scrambling for a Siddur in the middle of the Shmonei Esrais of PURIM! Who can say he or she doesn’t recognize the feeling of reaching the Bracha of Moidim in the Sh...

NEW MUSIC! Yehuda Green – Venihapach Hu – Single   My dear friends, Purim Sameach! I’m excited to release a brand new single called Venihapach Hu. Available to y...

Yoni Z – Ma Naaseh [Official Music Video]

Young Jewish pop star Yoni Z releases the official music video for his most recent single “Ma Naaseh,” but this time, in classic Z fashion, he had to push the envelope further than ever. Based on Z...

New Single from Moshe Klein – Barchu Et Ashem

Moshe Klein released a brand new upbeat and exciting single called Barechu Et Hashem, just in time to get ready to dance on Purim. Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry wrote, arranged, and produced the song

Adventures of THE SHPY! – Trailer

Heeeeees baaack! Gather around boys and girls​!​​ The Shpy is now headed to the big ​DVD ​screen! There’s trouble in the air​. ​When ​Agent 18 spot​s​ a man ​​delivering “Moldste​i​n​’s​ chocolate”...